missing artists forum

missing artists forum

May 10, 2021 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Repeat every month on theFirst Monday until September 1, 2021

i’ve been hearing from my artist friends: we need a place to just ‘be’ artists, collectively. without pressure to sell or market or represent oneself professionally.
this could be an opportunity to learn from each other or to cement friendships. some unforetold projects would surely evolve from such a meeting of minds.

i am not sure what this meeting will look like exactly, and i hesitate to conjure a concrete vision for it. i am sure we will make art and talk and learn from each other. i am sure revelations of some kind will occur.

how about a reprieve from the pressures of art marketing? (but it’s okay if it comes up, or if we need a bit of talk therapy.)
should we keep it small, or  does “the more the merrier” apply?

for now, this is more of a placeholder. over the next month, conversations with interested artists will shape what these informal sessions will be like for those who join us.