This majestic flamingo (below) will soon grace the sidewalk near Kiwanis Park and A1A. Thank you, everyone, for making your voices heard!
“Flamingo Repose” by Deborah Bottorff
See more of her work here: deborahbottorff-artist.com
“My work is joyous. Nature is my inspiration and vivid color is the expression of my craft. I am captivated by the endless shapes and colors that make up our extraordinary world.
Each new project begins with a study of the elements of a picturesque landscape, seascape or natural setting.
I visualize and mentally deconstruct the shapes, colors and nuances of what I see into small, fragmented kaleidoscope shards of the whole.
My 3-D Series, Foam Mosaic on Canvas is the platform where I reconstruct the fragments that I envision.
It is a strategic, and at the same time, fluid artform using a bright palette of individually colored 3-dimensional pieces which I cut into flowing, merging shapes and adhere to a canvas like an unconventional puzzle. The canvas is covered with these fragments that playfully connect to create the entire expressionistic image.
I am always imagining and planning my next work of art. Each one takes time and patience however it is a thoroughly meditative process. It is truly the happiest part of my day.
I hope you enjoy my collection as much as I enjoy creating it.”
-Deborah Bottorff